Rosslynd Piggott and Rudi Williams
In conversation with Sue Cramer
Melbourne, July 2024
[Sue cramer]
Dali’s warped or melting clocks come to mind when I think about time in relation to this exhibition. What does the theme of time mean to you in relation to the exhibition Mirror, mirror?
[Rosslynd Piggott]
Time is demonstrated in the durational process of making the exhibition: while my Mirror, mirror works date between 2008 and 2009, Rudi’s photographs are from 2013 to 2024. The chronology is obvious, yet also a path of slow observation by Rudi of my mirrors as seen in various locations. Both Rudi and I are deeply interested in the histories and allure of past eras—objects and sites that have, and in the auras that remain perceptible and powerfully vibrational endured or partly endured in the present. It is difficult to articulate what this may signify or mean, beyond the fact that we all have lineage extending back beyond the many millennia of civilization to exploded star dust.
Rosslynd Piggott, self shadow at Ospedale, San Giovanni di Paolo, Venice. 2020.
To take a photograph is the act of acknowledging that what you are witnessing will be important in the future. I see my photographs as threads through time and more specifically in relation to this exhibition, as an abstract depiction of Ros and my personal history and our dialogue.
5x4 reflected in
Rosslynd Piggott,
Mirror Mirror III,
2024. Photograph
by Rudi Williams