Rosslynd Piggott and Rudi Williams
In conversation with Sue Cramer
Melbourne, July 2024
[Sue cramer]
Lastly, what have you discovered through the process of doing this project together?
[Rosslynd Piggott]
It has been a beautiful process to open myself to Rudi's observations of my spaces through her unique vision and the reflections in my mirrors. This many-layered, dual observation has occurred over many years of our lives, like a strange and silent little dance, distant yet close. I feel grateful for such an interaction that has opened an unexpected window for further conversation around an earlier work. For both of us, these conversations and observations through our work will inevitably continue to unfold.
It has been a privilege to know and observe Ros and her art over a long period, and most recently, to work with her on this exhibition. For me, the process has emphasised the importance of quiet patience paired with decisiveness in the act of making. This is something I will remember when working not only with her but also with others in the future.
Rosslynd Piggott
and Rudi Williams
reflected in Mirror
Mirror III, Rosslynd
Piggott, 2024.
Photograph by Rudi